
STRINGS – Make sure they’re clean, in good condition and the correct gauge.

Wiping down the strings when you finish playing will maintain the lifespan of the strings, meaning you’ll need to change them less often. If you haven’t played the guitar in a while, it may be worth putting a fresh set of strings on as they can corrode over time when sweat/dead skin has not been wiped off properly and the string reacts with the air, which can change the string’s reactivity to tension.

Check the string gauge you’re using is the right gauge for that model of guitar. If you have recently put a new set of strings on your instrument and are finding the playability has changed, you may well have not put the correct gauge on. Guitars are set up specifically to cope with a very specific amount of string tension, and if a different gauge of strings is put on, the difference in tension on the neck can cause the action (string height over the frets) to change. If you are finding the action is too high, you may have used too heavy a gauge of strings, which is causing higher tension on the neck. If you are finding the action is too low, this could suggest the strings are too light and there is not enough tension on the neck to bring the strings away from the fretboard, causing the strings to buzz against the frets. If you wish to use a different gauge of strings to what the guitar is already set up to, you will need to adjust the neck relief accordingly.

If you would like to have your guitar set up, please feel free to contact us:

Phone: (614) 626-1940
